J3 Reptiles is a small hobby breeder run and operated by J3 with the guidance of his Dad, Joseph Enoch Jr. We pride ourselves in our animals and care for each one of them as if we were keeping them forever. Most of our pairings are based off of the geckos overall temperament to insure the geckos we produce have a chance to hopefully be tamer.

We currently keep and breed: Leopard, Gargoyle, African Fat Tail, Crested, Picta, Australian Barking Gecko Milli, Central American Banded, Western Banded geckos, and have many future projects planned.

J3's main projects are the Black Night Leopard Geckos, and the African Fat Tails.

Joe's Main projects are the Australian Barking Geckos, and the Mack Snow Eclipse leopard geckos.

Where to find J3 Reptiles